Done With Trump

I am beyond bored with opinions on Trump. He’s irrelevant, except insofar as he’s gonna get certain ppl off track. Some of these will not survive. The germaphobe himself may not survive. Members of congress, the rich, royalty, all are in the same boat as everybody else. But Trump and his “administration” pretty much left the response up to the States and the Governors of the States. He’s got 9 plus months to go in his term. These months will see some degree of apocalypse, no matter what Trump says or does. He didn’t cause it, he can’t stop it, he’s forfeited his chance to be of use, and for some… particularly those who believe him (or in him), he can only make things worse. I’m giving up on Trump, even to the point of not paying attention to his utterances, or to ppl bitching about him. (I’ve pretty much blocked all the believers on every social media channel.) Instead, I’m prepping for the social upheaval and unrest that is sure to ensue. Stick your heads in the sand all you like. And bitching about Trump is a form of wasting time. Give up on that and get crackin.’