Pondering Polish

It does not surprise me that the best professional opinion that I’ve gotten on the “Boston Tales” project is that it lacks polish. I myself think that. Also, as I’ve noted, nobody really wants to read it, not my wife, not my friends, not even the models for its characters.

It is a crazy waste of paper to be printing copies out, but the thing has a certain dull momentum. I am more or less plodding on with that. I note that so far, the word game is costing as opposed to making money.

Really, if the suggestion to make short, good, pieces that someone is eager to publish is to be followed, I have to really re-think my whole approach. Short and good is hard and awkward for me. I like to let myself spew. I don’t tweet easily. It takes no time at all to write a few thousand words. I’m not an eker-outer, to use Julavits’ phrase.

The writer club idea would be ok if I didn’t live in the middle of nowhere.

Rats. Ass. OK, back to work.
(See, he can write a short one.)