International Guild of Musicians in Dance eMail Thread of the Day

Just click on the squares.

Saul Spangenberg
Executive Director
Hillels of Westchester

15 April 2011
Don’t send me this stuff any more.  I don’t have time to muck around on a computer clicking random squares with gay jokes.  I work for a living.
Pat S.

I’m so sorry. I realize we’re driving you right over the edge.

The thing is, we are all working our butts off (IBOB after all), and we’re just blowing off steam. Also sharing a nifty bit of code.

I’m reminded of a scene from an earlier life, when, as an Organist at Montgomery Hills Baptist Church in Silver Spring, Maryland, I was in mid prelude when I heard from the well of the sanctuary, “YAK YAK YAK!!! All you people ever do is YAK YAK YAK!!!”

There was a silence, and for a moment my suspended fourth was heard plainly, in stunned solo relief. Then the YAK YAK YAKing started up again with doubled energy as the congregants tried to figure out why poor Henry Miller had gone off like that.

I repeat what the preacher said. “In the stress and strain of the world we live in, beset by care and worries, we come to the temple of the Holy Spirit for peace and relaxation. To be sure, poor Henry Miller only sought sanctuary here. Instead, he found none. Instead, there was confusion and cacophony. Let us remember that this is the house of God. Let us strive to keep it Holy. Now let us pray.”

Cadence IV-I
Ken Beck

PS: I still didn’t get the part about the gay jokes.