my Brother In Law…the Enemy

This just in from my brother in-law:

 Hi All,

Please watch the entire video. You will know why the Senate door locks were changed, meetings were held on Saturday mornings at 1:00 AM, and why Nancy Pelosi said, you can’t know what’s in the Health Care bill until we pass it.
It will soon seem strange that at one time you could actually make an appointment with a doctor and receive treatment the same day. Carol recently saw two doctors in one day with the first providing a referrel 10 minutes before the second doctor (of another practice) saw her.
The good news is that the “health care” rationing will not start until 2013; major portion of “care” not until 2014. And, that fact is related to another lie. You may recall Senator Reid calling for immediate action to pass the bill because 30,000 people were dying every day. So, why are waiting for 3 years to start. Using his numbers, there will not be anyone left in 3 years needing health care. Maybe that’s the reduced cost he was talking about.
Just remember that the current largest health provider that denies the most claims is ……..drum roll…………Medicare; the government.
Take care (pray too),

Wow. What do you do when someone in your family turns out to be a foaming birther? Fire one back:

I voted early today, and I voted for a chance for president Obama to

continue his agenda. Do NOT send me any more Republican cant. I can’t abide
it and I won’t.

I’ll soon be losing my job thanks to the Wall Street ruin of the national
economy (greed, straight up). I’ll be blogging about my death from diabetes.
As I do this, your FRIENDS the Republikooks will be attempting to unfund the
health care legislation, which, though lacking PUBLIC OPTION, and is
pitiful, weak, and full of insurance companies between ME and MY pitiful,
ignorant doctors, I campaigned hard for. I myself will have NO health
insurance. So fuck you very much!

THINK about this. Before you send me any more of this ignorant shit.

And I absolutely meant DON’T.
I’m an atheist. You’re insulting my belief system.
One more peep, and I’m filtering you out.
I thought you had a brain in your head.

DIS-Respectfully, yours,
Ken Beck

Then, on Facebook, this from a Wall thread relating to the shock of finding a kook in the clan:
The very expression “Obamacare,” as if any attempt to right an injustice was wrong, is an insult to any sort of intelligence. On the plus side, the idea that these people, living near an ocean, are going to be soon underwater, is offset by the fact that many people we love also live near the ocean. Sad that ignorance is so close at hand.